
19 Avon St
Cambridge, MA 02138
617 661 2452


The house is in Cambridge between Harvard and Porter Sq. The nearest T stop is Porter, but it's a nicer walk from Harvard.

Practical Route: From either Harvard or Porter Sq, walk along Mass Ave in the direction of the other Sq. Turn West on Martin St (next to Chinese restaurant). Keep going till Martin St. ends, at Avon St. 19 Avon is the gray house at 10 o'clock.

Scenic Route:Take Brattle St out of Harvard Sq. Cut across Radcliffe Yard to Garden St. Turn left and walk up Garden to Shepard St (on right). Walk two blocks on Shepard, then turn left on Avon. Continue about one block on Avon. 19 Avon is the gray house on your left.

Taxi Route: Tell any taxi driver you want to go to Cambridge to a place just past the Sheraton Commander hotel. When you get to the Commander, keep going up Garden St to the second set of lights, at Linnean St. Turn right on Linnean and continue two blocks (looks like three on some maps) to Avon. Turn right on Avon and continue just over one block. 19 Avon is a gray house on your right.

Driving Route: I don't recommend driving in Boston. You're better off taking cabs or the T than renting a car. Even if you manage to find the place, it is hard to find parking. But if you really want driving directions, send me mail, and I'll try to figure something out.