These are all the words we've been able to think of that are of the form verb+object. Applied to people Blatherskite Catchpole Cutpurse Cutthroat Daredevil Factotum Faineant Fearnaught Hangdog Killcow Killdevil Killjoy Kissass Knowall Knowitall Knownothing Lackwit Lickpenny Lickspigot Lickspittle Marplot Mountebank Picklock Pickpocket Pickpurse Pinchpenny Sawbones Scapegrace Scofflaw Skinflint Skipkennel Smellfeast Smellsmock Smellfungus Spitfire Spoilsport Swashbuckler Sweepstake Tattletale Telltale Tosspot Turncoat Turnkey Turnspit Applied to people, only in Shakespeare Breedbate Crackhemp Findfault Lackbeard Makepeace Applied to things Breakfast Breakwater Cachesexe Carryall Catchall Catchpenny Coverall Crackjaw Cutwater Dreadnought Garderobe Makeshift Makeweight Passport Pastime Rotgut Scarecrow Stopgap Tastevin Tell-all Wardrobe Worricow Other languages Mangetout Saltimbanco Saltimbocca Scioliolingua Rompecabeza Rompicoglioni Proposed Bloatcode (tlb) Breakpromise (sh) Flatterboss (tlb) Picknose Makeword (sh) Mangleword Nagspouse Quaffdregs (dg) Sellstock (sh) Smudgescreen (tlb) Verbnoun (tlb) Funny if they were Blackamoor Bugbear Buggerall Butterfly Changepurse Eyepiece Fishwife Kickshaw Milktoast Mooncalf Rapeseed Scapegoat |